For J's 7th birthday, she picked "Under the Sea" (Ariel) for her theme. We hung lots of blue balloons everywhere and had blue tulle hanging from the ceiling to make it look like we were under the sea. I bought some fish net and colorful starfish from Oriental Trading to use for decorations as well. Also on the ceiling, I attached some brown butcher paper to look like the bottom of a boat and made a brown paper chain with an anchor attached to it coming down to the ground. I hung blue fringe to divide the rooms up and to give it more of an under the sea feeling. We had a poster of Ariel for the wall as well.

I had also found a blow up whale and shark that we hung on the ceiling. The kids thought these were so fun.

My daughter had coloured some Ariel posters that we had and she wanted to use them for wall decorations as well.

When the girls arrived, we had some coloring pages printed off for them to color. When everyone arrived, we went to the kitchen table and had craft time. I purchased wooden treasure boxes for the girls to decorate. I painted them all white and had chocolate coins and shell bracelets inside as treasure for the girls. They were able to decorate their boxes any way they wanted. We had shells, Ariel stickers, felts to draw with, and glitter glue with blue dolphins in it for them to use. When they were done, we put them aside to dry.

We played pin the flower on Ariel. I had a large poster of Ariel that my daughter had colored. On the poster, Ariel had a flower in her hair. We made extra copies of the flower and had the girls blindfolded and they had to see how close they could get Ariel's flower to the real flower in her hair. This gave the girls fits of the giggles to see how close their friends were NOT getting it!
We also played Limbo. I had an empty roll of wrapping paper that I covered in colorful paper and put streamers on the end. We had downloaded Ariel music of the Limbo and played that over and over while the girls did the Limbo. They loved dancing to this music. We then also played freeze dance.
It was time for cake. I went to Scoop N Save and copied one of their ideas. They had a beautiful Ariel cake. I bought the Ariel topper and palm trees and some under the sea candies and made this creation.

Next was gift time. We had the girls sit in a circle and play spin the bottle to see whose gift was going to be first. We had to keep reminding the girls to move the circle out, since they kept wanting to crowd in to see what the gifts were!
After this, it was time for the treasure hunt to find the treasure chest with the goody bags! I used my trusty "Riddle Me" program to create a treasure hunt and the girls followed the clues around the house until they found the treasure chest. I made this from a cardboard box and put black cardstock around the edges to make it look like a chest. I drew a lock on the front to make it look more realistic. Inside they found their goody bags with a mini Ariel coloring book, Ariel stickers, mini Ritz crackers, and a candy necklace. They also got to take home their wooden treasure boxes and their shell necklaces. My daughter loved this party!!
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